The first thing you see while driving into this park, is these row of red rock towers. If you a size comparison, just pick any speck of spot in the photo and that's about the size of a person.
The windows section is where the park gets it's name from. A series of stone formations with natural "holes" in them, Arches. in all shapes and sizes. They say there about 2500 (two zeros) arches in the area all together.
can't say this is an original idea, though a steep climb needed to get this shot, it's been done quite a few time. All of this area has been photographed so much, it's very hard finding an original point of view. Though sometime you get lucky.
Delicate Arch is probably the most photographed arch in the world, but it's was worth the three km climb and elevation gain to see it. Unlike most of the people that left straight after sunset, I hoped the clear night sky would give it's impressions. A six minute exposure. The way back in the dark wasn't as easy as I though, and despite almost getting lost i made it to the camp site.
Between these two parks, lays a small state park that also offers great views of a certain point.
Trying to take advantage of the midday shadows, a time that is usually not photogenic.
In Canyonlands there are only a few arches, but one stands out, especially in sunrise.
Mesa Arch is well know for it's glowing show every morning, and worth getting up at 3:30.
A few miles of a day trip, and thanks to a good book, found this lace at the right time of day. The only image that's a composite of a few, thus far.

And towards the evening, the main attractions of the park, the whit rimed canyons at dusk. Just as with this evening, the whole week didn't excel with any amazing sunrise of sunset colors, or any interesting cloud formations of brewing storms.
So a more intimate look on things was required. Last sun rays on a plant.
In Friday morning decided to checkout the 4x4 access only road leading into the canyons called The White Rim Road. It actually starts as the Shafer trail, but after the beginning descent, it changes it's name to the former. it was my first time on a serious 4x4 road, and it was a lot of fun though in a very slowly jumpy pace.
Since i had a short day, I drove only a certain section of the road, then going back.
The road offers great close-up view at the Colorado River Goose necks along it's path in Utah.
The weekend I stayed i a motel in Moab. A classic touristic town, full of "local" galleries and lodging options.
After shooting this i went there, they did have a better point of view of the canyon.
Mliege toll till now: 2179.6
Expresion of the week: "There's more than one way to skin a cat". Pronounciate with the mattching accent...
Hope all is good with you. ext stop for me, Monument Valley. I think...
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