It's 2:15 am and in just a few hours I'll start my take-off towards London and finally San-Francisco. A cool breeze of 15 and a half hours of flight.
Just like on the last trip, I'll update my whereabouts and my encounters (probably ones or twice a week), as well as some photos (if it's your first time here, take a look at the previous posts). Also' Ill try to implement the suggestions I've received from you last time, and so the images will be 'clickable' and will open a larger view for all you eye squinting fellows (you know who you are).

Click it. (it's an older image)
And hopefully some pictures of humans along the way.
At the bottom of the page there's a map of all my destinations in the trip, which I'll update as I go along. You can click on each marker and see what place it is. Red Marker is where I've been and a blue marker is where I'm going to be.
The plan is five weeks in the Southwest (California, Utah, Arizona and Nevada), and a short week in NY before returning home. I hope you'll enjoy and feel free to leave a comment at any time.
As much as I hate the word 'blog', this is the most convenient way.
Anyone who wants to receive each post to directly their E-mail, let me know.
Shavua Tov,
Dude!! What's up bro'? surfs up? :)
Squinting fellows?? I get your drift... }:)
Although I love your scenery captures - I think adding some "live" figures in to them should make them more alive and with more though doing from us the squinting fellows :)
As usual very nice. The possibility to enlarge the pics is very nice.
Keep it coming.
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